RailsBridge Boston Workshop

RailsBridge Boston Workshop

By RailsBridge Boston

Date and time

April 3, 2015 · 7pm - April 4, 2015 · 5pm EDT


Microsoft New England R&D Center

One Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142


This is a free Ruby on Rails workshop for women and their friends. We will cover the basics of web requests, the Model-View-Controller architecture, how to save code snapshots, and deploying a web application to the Internet.


Friday, April 3, 7PM - 9PM
Saturday, April 4, 9:30AM - 5PM

What will I learn?

The workshop will teach the basics of creating a web application in the Ruby on Rails framework.

Over the course of the workshop, we will cover:

  • What happens when a browser requests a dynamic web page?
  • What is a web framework? Why would you want one?
  • Dividing up code responsibilities with the Model, View, Controller architecture
  • Saving data in a database with Rails' object-relational mapper
  • Saving code snapshots with Git
  • Deploying a Rails application to the web with Heroku

What will NOT be covered?


Who should attend?

Total programming novices, web designers, system administrators, and developers of other languages are welcome to attend.

This workshop is intended to reach out to those who identify as women and are new to building web applications in Ruby on Rails. However, men are also welcome to attend if they attend as a guest of a woman registered for the event.

There is no age restriction, but if you're under 18 and would like to attend, please bring an adult.

Parents: If you cannot find a babysitter for that weekend, we can provide free backup childcare through Parents in a Pinch. A huge thanks to thoughtbot for this opportunity!

Do I have to attend both days?

Yes, both days.

On Friday, we meet one another and install all of the software you will need for the workshop.

On Saturday, we will hit the ground running with writing code. Attendance at the Installfest is mandatory if you want to participate Saturday.

What if I already know some Rails?

Experienced programmers should note that the class is geared to beginners. If you've completed the Hartl tutorial, you've gone well past what we'll cover.

Consider coming to Boston Ruby's monthly Project Night instead. There are many friendly Rubyists available to help you over configuration bumps and answer questions.

Will there be food?


We will provide dinner on Friday and breakfast and lunch on Saturday.

We will also celebrate the conclusion of the workshop with appetizers and drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) at a nearby restaurant.


A huge thanks to our sponsors for supporting our workshop! With their help, we're able to provide food, drinks, a venue, and more all at no cost to our participants and volunteers.

Workshop sponsors: TBD

Venue Sponsor: Microsoft New England R&D Center

Child Care Sponsor: thoughtbot

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